NickleBee Tutors

Rated #1 Math Centre For Primary Math Tuition

Singapore's Top PSLE Math & Olympiad Math Specialist


of our Advanced Math
students scored AL1 for
PSLE 2024 Math Exam


Received DSA (Math)
Confirmed Offers from
TOP IP Schools in 2024


of our 2024 Math Olympiad
students achieved GOLD &
SILVER awards or better

Score with Nicklebee Math

Proven Methodology

Using our proven C3PO™ Problem Solving Framework and proprietary UNITARY™ Method, students are given the confidence and speed to solve All Challenging Problem Sums efficiently and accurately, in the PSLE Math Exam & Math Olympiad Competitions.

Learn Advanced Math

Our students develop Advanced Math Thinking Abilities with our interactive lessons and engaging worksheets. Our materials cover Creative Problem Solving Techniques and Higher Order Thinking Skills used by Gifted & High Ability students to ace their Math Exams & Competitions.

Superstar Educators

The PSLE Math & Primary Math Programmes are led by Mr Zhou, Raffles Institution (GEP) & NUS alumnus, multi-award winning Math Olympian (Multiple Gold Medalist Winner; Ranked 23rd in Singapore) and popular Math Olympiad Trainer & DSA Coach at top Primary Schools.

Our Math Programme

Small Group Math Tuition

Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass

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What Students & Parents say

Read some of our 100+ Facebook & Google 5-Star Reviews

Mrs Lee Facebook Review

"Mr Zhou has helped my son in his PSLE preparation for the past 11 months. My son has improved tremendously in understanding Math concepts. Instead of merely relying on models to solve heuristic questions, he is better able to solve these questions using the unitary/algebra methods when required. He is definitely more confident in the subject as compared to P5. Best of all, Mr Zhou did not just teach him Mathematics, he also instilled in him a sense of responsibility and discipline. These values will carry him far in his Secondary school journey and beyond. Thank you, Mr Zhou!"

Mrs Yip Facebook Review

"The dedication of Mr Zhou to my son's education cannot be expressed in words! I made the right decision to join Nicklebee tutors.

Mr Zhou's unitary math method made complicated problem sums so much easier to solve and transformed my son from a 'math-hater' to a 'math-scoring' student! I am very pleased with his results for both his prelims and psle this year.

Looking forward to many more productive years when he joins your secondary class."

Mrs Lim Google Review

"My 2 kids are under Mr Zhou’s teaching. Both obtained excellent results. Through these 5 years, Mr Zhou came across as a passionate , knowledgeable and responsible teacher. I never had to worry anything about math or purchase any external resources for math. He always prepare my children well for exam. Highly recommended."

Helen Li Google Review

"NickleBee Tutors is an excellent and reliable math tuition centre that we highly recommend to anyone looking for a good math tuition centre! We feel that we are very lucky to find Nickle Bee. My son is taking Mr Zhou's "Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass" lessons. Within just three months, we have seen significant improvement in my son's ability to tackle the most challenging questions in PSLE papers! More importantly, the methods which Mr Zhou taught my son for problem-solving questions are indeed eye-opening experiences for him (which are easy to understand and practical to use). My son enjoys learning under Mr Zhou's teaching very much and he is motivated to aim to get AL1 for math in his coming PSLE! Once again, many thanks to NickleBee Tutors and to Mr Zhou, the best math tutor ever!:)"

Student Angil Google Review

"The Teachers at NickleBee Tutors are patient and friendly. Their teaching methods are extremely useful and their explanations are very clear. The unitary method for problem solving is very effective and easy to apply to solve different math problems. They are very supportive and encouraging. I can ask them questions anytime if I have doubts and they will try their best to clarify them. Their lessons are always fun and engaging. I’ve been with them for a few years and they have helped me through PSLE as well as secondary exams. They have helped me improve my grades and mathematical skills. I definitely recommend NickleBee tutors :)"