NickleBee Tutors

Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass

Advanced PSLE MATH Masterclass @ Bishan, Bukit Timah & Sengkang for GEP & High-Ability Students taking the PSLE in AY 2025

Why Choose Advanced Math Masterclass

The Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass at NickleBee Tutors is designed for both Gifted Education Programme (GEP) students and High-Ability (Mainstream) students, who have not joined our classes previously, and wish to have a combined P5 & P6 Math Preparatory course to ace the PSLE.

Students attending this course will undertake the study of PSLE Math at a higher level and sharpen their ability to solve Challenging & Non-Routine ‘Olympiad-style’ math questions, that have been appearing in the PSLE Math Exams with increasing frequency.

In addition to the core P5 & P6 PSLE Math MOE curriculum, students in the Masterclass will also explore introductory GEP Math & Olympiad Math components such as:

  • Investigative Math
  • Non-Routine Questions / Higher-Order Thinking Skills
  • Creative Problem Solving Techniques
  • Advanced Heuristic Tools

Mr Zhou

Mr Zhou is an Alumnus of Raffles Institution (Gifted Education Programme) and National University of Singapore. He is also a multi-award winning Math Olympiad Gold Medallist (Ranked 23rd in Singapore), High Distinction holder in the Australian Math Competition, and Distinction holder in the American High School Math Competition.

He is a popular Math Olympiad Trainer & DSA Coach at top Primary Schools and also a member of the Association of Mathematics Educators (NIE), with many years of experience in guiding GEP and High Ability students towards excellence in PSLE Math & Olympiad Math.


  • Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass for P6 students taking the PSLE in 2025 will be conducted at our centres in Bishan, Bukit Timah and Sengkang.
  • Maximum of 8 students per session.
  • All Advanced PSLE Math Masterclasses will be taught personally by Mr Zhou.
  • The Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass commences from the 1st week of October 2024 and will end just before the PSLE Math Paper in end September 2025. (Total duration of the course is 12 months).
  • Enrolment for AY 2025 Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass is open to eligible students taking the PSLE in 2025.
  • The course is well-suited for students who are consistently scoring 80% and above in their Primary 5 school math assessments / exams, and wish to get a further boost to achieve the top grade of AL1.

@ Bukit Timah

Wednesday Afternoons
3.30pm – 5.30pm (A)

Wednesday Evenings
7pm – 9pm

Thursday Afternoons
3pm – 5pm (F)

Thursday Evenings
5.30pm – 7.30pm

Saturday Mornings
10am – 12pm (A)

Saturday Afternoons
1.30pm – 3.30pm (A)

A = Almost Full

@ Sengkang

Friday Afternoons 
3.30pm – 5.30pm (F)

Friday Evenings 
7pm – 9pm (F)

Sunday Mornings
10am – 12pm (A)

Sunday Afternoons
3pm – 5pm (F)

A = Almost Full

Scheduling Information

  • Max. 8 students per session.
  • Slot availability is subject to further changes.
  • Please contact us at 91884710 (WhatsApp only) to check for slot availability or request to be placed on our waiting list (if your preferred time slot is full).

Topical Syllabus


Oct - Nov

P5 Whole Numbers,
P5 Average, P5 Rate,
P5 Decimals, P5 Fractions

Dec - Jan


P5 Ratio, P5 Percentage,
P5 Advanced Heuristics


Feb - Mar

P6 Whole Numbers,
P6 Fractions / Ratio,
P6 Patterns

Apr - May

P6 Percentage, 
P6 Circles,
2x Customized Mock Exam Papers (Timed Trials)

Jun - Jul


P6 Speed, P6 Geometry, P6 Volume



P6 Area of Composite
Figures, P6 Extension of
Advanced Heuristic Concepts



1x Benchmark Test,
3x Customized Mock Exam Papers (Timed Trials)

Academic Year Schedule

Term 1

30 Sept 2024 – 15 Dec 2024
(11 lessons)

Term 2

30 Dec 2024 – 16 Mar 2025
(10 lessons)

Term 3

17 Mar 2025 – 1 Jun 2025
(11 lessons)

Term 4

16 Jun 2025 – 21 Sept 2025
(14 lessons)

  • All scheduled weekly lessons during the term period will carry on as per usual during Public Holidays or School Holidays (Except for Chinese New Year 1 Week Break).
  • If you miss any of the scheduled weekly classes, please refer to the replacement lesson policy below for further details.

Payment Matters

  • $200 per each 2-hour class
    ($2200 for a term of 11 lessons).
  • Tuition fees will be collected on a quarterly basis (every 3 months), 2 weeks before the commencement of each 3-month masterclass term.
  • We require students to be enrolled for a minimum of 1 term. If a student joins in the middle of the term, payment of current term fee (pro-rated) and next term fee is required for enrollment.
  • A material fee of $100 is chargeable for new students. This is a flat fee that is non-refundable nor pro-rated and is payable upon commencement of the tuition class, regardless of the time of registration.
  • Term Tuition fees and any other fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. Such fees once paid will NOT be refunded, if the student or parent chooses to withdraw or has to discontinue from NickleBee Tutors, for any reason and at any time.

Replacement Lesson Policy

  • Students are strongly encouraged to come regularly and punctually for ALL their scheduled weekly lessons.
  • Replacement Lesson Policy is applicable to Term 1 to Term 4 of the academic year.
  • For any class missed with a valid reason, a replacement lesson will be provided on a case-by-case basis subject to slot availability (to be attended within 7 days of missed class). Valid reasons for absence includes:

(1) Medical Leave (Medical Certificate required)
(2) Official School / National Events (Letter from School required)

  • If the student is absent for any other reason or absent without documents to support a valid reason, no refund of fees or replacement lessons will be provided.
  • Any of the scheduled weekly lessons not utilized by the student by the end of each term is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Any extra lessons conducted (at the parent’s or teacher’s request) will be recorded and payment is expected at the end of each term.
  • If the teacher is unable to conduct any of the scheduled tuition lesson (i.e. due to illness), and a substitute teacher is not available, we will inform the student and parents of the reason and replacement lesson or pro-rated fees will apply.

Additional Information

  • Both Teachers and Students deserve a safe, orderly, and conducive environment to teach and learn effectively. Hence, we reserve the right to cease provision of tuition to any student for any reason.
  • We have a “ZERO tolerance” policy whereby students who display discipline or behavioural issues (listed in ‘Section K’ of our Terms & Conditions) will be subject to immediate dismissal and expulsion from the centre. 
  • Please note that we record video and audio CCTV surveillance of all tuition sessions. Video clips of any disruptive or unproductive behaviour by the students will be forwarded to their parents.