NickleBee Tutors

Terms and Conditions

Updated on 9 August 2023 for Academic Year 2024

All Tutoring and Education Services at NickleBee Tutors are subject to the following TERMS and CONDITIONS. 

Making PAYMENT for any form of Tutoring and Education service to NickleBee Tutors indicates acceptance and commitment to the following TERMS and CONDITIONS. Please ensure you have read and understood what is written below. The TERMS and CONDITIONS as stated herein on our website are the most updated and supersedes all other editions (online and offline) of our terms and conditions.

NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on our website ( immediately.

A. Small Group Math Tuition Academic Year Term Dates

Each Academic Year for Small Group Math Tuition comprises of 4 Terms (refer below) and 1 Special Term (during the Nov/Dec MOE School Holidays; Conducted for students to get a head start on next year’s syllabus).

Special Term : 20 November 2023 to 17 December 2023 (4 lessons)

December Holiday Break : 18 December 2023 to 31 December 2023 

Term 1 : 1 January 2024 to 17 March 2024 (11 lessons) 

Term 2 : 18 March 2024 to 2 June 2024 (11 lessons) 

June Holiday Break : 3 June 2024 to 16 June 2024 

Term 3 : 17 June 2024 to 1 September 2024 (11 lessons) 

Term 4 : 2 September 2024 to 17 November 2024 (11 lessons)

B. Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass Academic Year Term Dates

Each Academic Year for Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass comprises of 4 Terms (refer below).

Masterclass Term 1 : 2 October 2023 to 17 December 2023 (11 lessons)

December Holiday Break : 18 December 2023 to 31 December 2023 

Masterclas Term 2 : 1 January 2024 to 17 March 2024 (11 lessons)

Masterclass Term 3 : 18 March 2024 to 2 June 2024 (11 lessons)

June Holiday Break : 3 June 2024 to 16 June 2024

Masterclass Term 4 : 17 June 2024 to 22 September 2024 (14 lessons)

C. Term Payment and Admin / Material Fees

– All tuition fees are agreed on at the beginning of the academic year and we reserve the right to adjust tuition fees at the end of each academic year.

– Tuition fees will be collected on a quarterly basis, 2 weeks before the commencement of the term. Each term usually has 11 scheduled weekly lessons as per term schedule provided by NickleBee Tutors. If a student joins in the middle of a term, fees will be pro-rated.

– Please make payment punctually. Non-payment of fees within 24 hours of issuance of payment invoice will result in termination of tuition and refusal of attendance.

– We accept PayNow, Internet Banking Transfer or Cheque payments. Receipt of payment from the customer will be noted only after PayNow / internet banking transfer has been received or when the cheque has been cleared by the bank.

– An admin / material fee of $100 is collected during enrollment. This is a flat fee that is non-refundable nor pro-rated and is payable upon commencement of the tuition class regardless of the time of registration.

– Term tuition fees and any other fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. Such fees once paid will NOT be refunded if the student or parent chooses to withdraw or has to discontinue from NickleBee Tutors for any reason and at any time.

D. Class Size

– Each Small Group Math Tuition typically has 2 to 4 students per lesson to ensure optimal learning for each student. 

– Each Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass typically has 6 to 8 students per lesson 

– Class size is at the discretion of the teacher.

E. Attendance

– Students are strongly encouraged to come regularly and punctually for ALL their scheduled weekly lessons. 

– All scheduled weekly lessons during Term 1 to 4 (schedule as provided by NickleBee Tutors) will carry on as usual during ALL Public Holidays or School Holidays (except for Chinese New Year 1 Week Break). Students are expected to attend all scheduled weekly lessons.

F. Replacement Lesson Policy (Applicable only to Term 1 to 4)

– For any scheduled weekly lesson missed with a valid reason, a replacement lesson will be provided on a case-by-case basis subject to slot availability (to be attended within 7 days of missed class). 

  • Valid reasons of absence are : 
  • (i) Medical Leave (Medical Certificate required) 
  • (ii) Major School / National Events (Official letter from School required) 

– Replacement lessons are limited to TWO per term per student and cannot be rolled over to the next term. 

– Replacement lessons will be conducted during an available Face to Face Group Tuition time slot (at either Bishan, Bukit Timah or Sengkang) OR Online ZOOM Group Tuition time slot. We may not be able to offer replacement lessons on your preferred group tuition time slot. 

– Any replacement lesson time slot offered to the student is subject to change at any time pending our operational requirements and staffing constraints.

 – We will not be able to offer a second replacement lesson, if the student missed the scheduled replacement lesson, regardless of the circumstance.

 – Once a replacement lesson has been arranged and confirmed, the student’s original slot for that week will be released to other students who are seeking replacement lesson opportunities. 

– If the student is absent from a scheduled weekly lesson for any other reason or absent without documents to support a valid reason, NO refund of fees or replacement lesson will be provided. 

– Any of the scheduled weekly lessons not utilized by the student by the end of each term is non-refundable and non-transferable.

G. Extra Lesson Policy (Applicable only to Term 1 to 4)

– Any extra lessons (at the parent’s request) are limited to ONE per term per student and cannot be rolled over to the next term. Availability and scheduling of Extra Lesson is subject to group tuition slot availability. 

– Any extra lessons conducted (at the parent’s or teacher’s request) will be recorded and payment is expected at the end of each term.

H. Changes to Student’s Tuition Schedule

– Once the assigned tuition time slot is accepted, no changes to the student schedule is allowed from the first lesson onwards. Modifications in schedule MAY be considered in genuinely urgent cases (application done in writing and with evidence) and is subject to group tuition slot availability. 

– Please confirm timing of CCAs, remedial lessons and other commitments before registration as we may not be able to offer alternative slots in the event of schedule clashes.

I. Special Term

– Conducted in November and December for Small Group Math Tuition students to get a head start on the next year’s syllabus. 

– Special Term is not applicable to Advanced PSLE Math Masterclass students. 

– Fees payable for Special Term is calculated based on number of lessons attended between 20 November 2023 to 17 December 2023. 

– Payment for Special Term will be collected on the final lesson of the Special Term.

J. Usage of Electronic Communications with Teachers

– Due to the teachers’ busy schedule, please keep electronic communications via SMS or WhatsApp limited ONLY to Scheduling, Payment, or Examination related matters. 

– If you require math questions to be answered urgently, you may send them over to us via WhatsApp and we will refer you to the relevant NickleBee Math worksheet or reply with some tips or guidance. 

– To avoid abuse of this policy, any math question received, will only be replied to, after a minimum of 24 hours has elapsed from receipt of WhatsApp message. 

– Asking the tutor questions via WhatsApp is a privilege and not an entitlement. Any student who abuses this privilege by spamming us with questions or who did not attempt the question thoroughly before hand, will have this privilege suspended for a period of not less than 1 month.

K. Classroom Etiquette / Discipline

– Students will only be able to benefit from the tutoring programme if they actively participate in the lessons and duly complete all assignments set by the tutor.

– Both Teachers and Students deserve a safe, orderly, and conducive environment to teach and learn effectively. Hence, we reserve the right to immediately and unilaterally, cease provision of tuition to any student, for any reason.

– We have a “ZERO tolerance” policy whereby a student who displays the following discipline or behavioural issues will be subject to immediate dismissal and expulsion from the centre :

  • Showing disrespect to the tutor or other students
  • Destruction of property
  • Cheating / copying and other forms of academic dishonesty
  • Chronic absenteeism or lateness
  • Exhibiting poor learning attitude (persistently uninterested, uncooperative or recalcitrant behaviour)
  • Homework not done without a valid reason or permission
  • Being disruptive in class (irrelevant loud noises and excessive movement which is distracting the other students and affecting the teaching of the class)
  • Classroom assignments and/or homework done in an inappropriate or slipshod manner 

– We would like to remind all students that while the “ZERO tolerance” policy will be used sparingly, and students will be asked to leave only as a last resort, they are encouraged to avoid the behaviours listed above as ALL our students and tutors deserve to have a safe, conducive and effective learning / teaching environment. 

– We also reserve the right to immediately and unilaterally expel any student who exhibits any other unacceptable behaviour not listed above.

L. Proprietary Nature of Academic / Curriculum Materials

– Due to the proprietary nature of our academic / curriculum materials, they are under the protection of existing intellectual property laws. 

– Parents and students hereby undertake not to photocopy, copy, scan or digitalise our curriculum materials in any form (whether in colour or black & white) as well as not to distribute and/or publish online such materials to others. 

– Students who are found committing the above offence may be subject to immediate dismissal from the centre.

M. Video Surveillance / Photography

– Please note that we record video and audio CCTV surveillance of all Group Tuition sessions to ensure the safety, security, and a conducive learning environment for all students. Video clips of any disruptive or unproductive behaviour by any student will be forwarded to their parents.

 – Parents and students are not allowed to make photographic, video and / or other recordings inside our classrooms or premises unless they have obtained prior consent from NickleBee Tutors. 

– NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to use images of customers or students and any part or whole of student’s course work for educational, advertising or promotional purposes, including internet-based promotions such as Facebook. NickleBee Tutors will need a written form (delivered by hand, post, email, WhatsApp message or SMS text message) of your expressed intention to opt out from this clause.

N. Other Academic Matters

– NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to substitute or change teachers temporarily or permanently without prior notice. 

– If the teacher is unable to conduct any of the scheduled tuition lesson (i.e due to illness), and a substitute teacher is not available, we will inform the student and parents of the reasons for doing so and replacement lessons or prorated fees will apply. 

– NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to permanently re-schedule any group tuition class regular schedule (day or timing) at our discretion. At least one term’s notice will be given to students and parents regarding any changes in group tuition class regular schedule (day or timing). 

– If the student joins the class mid-term, materials from previous lessons may not be provided. 

– If the student withdraws or discontinues from the class, regardless of reason, materials for subsequent classes will not be given.

O. Miscellaneous

– While NickleBee Tutors and its Staff will exercise the utmost care and precautions to ensure the safety of every student during classes, we shall not be held responsible for any loss, injury or mishap that the student should sustain on his/her own accord, inside or outside the centre. 

– Parents or guardians will accept full liability for any damage caused by the student to premises where programmes are conducted. 

– NickleBee Tutors will not be responsible or liable for the loss of any personal property within the centre’s premises. 

– NickleBee Tutors expect students to be dropped off and fetched from the centre a maximum of fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled start of class and a maximum of fifteen minutes after the scheduled conclusion of the class. We will not be held responsible for students’ safety prior to their arrival and/or subsequent to their departure from the centre for their scheduled classes. 

– NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to disallow student attendance at the centre if their temperature is above 38°C or deemed to be unfit for lesson (i.e under medical leave / suspected contagious illness e.g HFMD; Chicken Pox) 

– NickleBee Tutors reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on our website ( immediately. Please check our website periodically for changes. The continued usage of our tutoring and education services following the posting of changes to these Terms & Conditions will indicate your acceptance to those changes.